Do your self esteem activities need a little self help boost?

This page defines what is self-esteem and describes key self esteem activities for improving self-esteem, especially overcoming low self esteem.

What is self-esteem?:

A definition of self-esteem: self-respect, the confidence we have in our own worth and abilities. It also includes our liking and regard for ourselves.

Take a look in the mirror, literally. What is your opinion of the person you see there?

What self-esteem activities do you use to genuinely boost your opinion of yourself?

What evidence or experiences do you recall to support or contradict your opinion?

Self-esteem is part of your self-concept which also includes your self-ideal (our perception of the ideal person we want to be) and our self image (our inner mirror of how we see and think about ourselves).

Our self-concept, and therefore our self-esteem, is LEARNED and this is a most important idea because what has been learned can be changed - there is nothing inevitable or absolute or fixed about whatever your self esteem may be right now.

What do you need or desire

Use self-esteem activities to help create it.

Self-esteem building:

Given the definition above, improving self-esteem is achievable and within your control.

That is, it is YOUR opinion of YOU. Who controls the opinions you have about anything? YOU DO - I hope you agree?

So, in terms of self-esteem building, we start at an advantage (assuming we are in a healthy condition and not suffering from some physical, mental, chemical or psychological disorders that require professional help).

There are many self-esteem activities you can use for developing self-esteem or for overcoming low self-esteem. For example, some of the self-esteem building techniques that successful people practice include:

* rehearsing success by visualizing it in their mind before taking action

* managing their inner critic (that little or loud voice that criticizes you and tells you, "no, you can't") by using positive thinking

* learning to relax at will, including having a "mental sanctuary" to retreat to if needed

* being proactive; avoiding dependency on others; and not taking things personally.

Improve self-esteem and self-confidence building - so what?:

Two critical self-esteem activities are:

1. develop self-esteem building habits (click here to visit our "self-esteem building" web page for 11 valuable and effective habits)

2. adopt a build self-esteem mindset (click here to visit our "improve self-esteem" web page for an illustration of how to do this).

Self-esteem activities are many and varied.
Be sure to use them habitually.


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